The Made Shop is a shape-shifting design studio of makers and shakers.

We build brands, make art, and design spaces.

But our sweet spot is doing all three of these at once. We call that "placemaking," and we're very good at it.

Our work is informed by three principles:

Curiosity over comfort

We've always been a bit suspicious about efficiency. It's useful on assembly lines, but the unique people and projects we work with aren't mass-produced or interchangeable. What we already know matters less than our approach to what we don't know. So we start every project with more questions than answers.

Ideas before images

Ansel Adams said, "There’s nothing worse than a sharp image of a fuzzy concept." We've found that good ideas lead reliably to good design, but rarely the reverse. We think big ideas are powerful but rare, can come from anywhere and anyone, and are more valuable than "sharp" images.

Clients are Co-Conspirators

We're all on the same team. At its worst, design can sometimes feel like two opposing teams: the client reluctantly acting as goalie with the design team trying to sneak a good idea past them. We've always thought of our clients as co-conspirators—all working together on a shared mission to make things that are beautiful, durable, and meaningful.


  • Naming & Branding

  • Concept & Strategy

  • Logo & Visual Identity

  • Print & Collateral

  • Product Packaging

  • Environments & Interiors

  • Web Design & Development

  • Copywriting & Brand Voice

  • Photography & Video

  • Illustration

Press & Publications

  • Communication Arts

    “Never shying away from experimentation, this Denver-based design firm also nurtures a burgeoning community.”

  • IndieWire

    "I cheered when this yellow type and a copyright block came up."

  • The Brand Identity

    The Made Shop embrace the concept of wabi-sabi in their modular identity for Moxie Coffee Company

  • Food & Wine

    There's really only one way to describe Sweet Bloom Coffee Roasters — grand is the word you'll be looking for, all high ceilings and so many windows and the finishes du jour...

  • Rolling Stone

    "As creative directors we often find ourselves collaborating with other creative people, and this video is a sort of self-referential critique of overzealous creativity run amok.”

  • Dwell

    "They've come a long way since the garage. Marke and Kim Johnson started their design business The Made Shop in their back yard with a love for hands-on, material-driven projects."

The Made Shop

Makers & Shakers

Marke Johnson

A recovering architect, Marke is a designer, artist, and creative director. He founded the shapeshifting design studio The Made Shop in 2008 after graduating from Harvard’s Graduate School of Design. His creative direction won an Emmy, and his work has been featured in the MoMA.

Marke Johnson

Founder & Design Partner

Kim Johnson

Kim co-founded the Made Shop with Marke in 2008 and has currently holds the record for wearing the most hats here (literally and figuratively): Shop Manager, Project Manager, HR Director, Sourcing, Production Manager, Accounting, and Cute Old Man Afficianado.

Kim Johnson

Co-Founder & Shop Manager

Adam Blake

Armed with a fine arts degree and post-grad studies in Rock and Roll, Adam helped co-found the Made Shop in the early 2010’s. He has an obsession with 60’s & 70’s album artwork and reasonably-priced breakfast sandwiches.

Adam Blake

Co-Founder & Design Partner

Davis Scruggs

Driven by his deep interest in photography and art direction, Davis has cultivated a unique creative perspective and approach to design. His work has been featured in the extremely esteemed John Paul II High School Spring 2016 email blast. This came on the heels of him being voted runner up for the best Christian attitude.

Davis Scruggs

Designer & Photographer

Kate Petrik

Kate is a scrappy creator with big feelings and an obsession with Golden Age comics. Her work has graced Her Parent’s Fridge for years - among many other equally impressive exhibitions that will not be listed in order to preserve the allotted character count for her bio. Alternate titles include: Ex Sorority President and Amateur of Everything.

Kate Petrik

Designer, Illustrator, & Copywriter

Parker Metcalf

Parker grew up thinking he was going to be a professional tennis player. After peaking in the 9th grade he opted for a life of artistry instead. Mental curator turned creator— he successfully turned the common critique of “talks too much” into a skill of visual story telling.

Parker Metcalf
