Made Shop Featured Image

We are what we make.

The Made Shop is a shape-shifting design studio based in Denver with people in L.A. and Nashville.

We build brands, make art, and design spaces (often all at once).

It's hard to say exactly what we do, but it's really easy to say: “We are what we make.”

So here are some things we’ve made recently...

Makers & Shakers

Meet the Made Shop ⟶

Get in touch

The Made Shop
4040 W. 32nd Ave. Denver, CO 80212

Let's make something together

We're curious to hear about interesting new projects of all kinds.

Say and let us know about your project. We'll get back to you with some more detailed follow-up questions to see if it's a good fit for both of us, and then take it from there. We look forward to hearing from you.

Jobs & Internships

We are not currently hiring for full-time positions, but are always happy to review new portfolios. We have an ongoing year-round internship program. Send an email to to get in touch.

The Made Shop