2914 Coffee

2914 Coffee Featured Image


Government Funded Research


Denver, CO

During the height of the 2020 pandemic, we created a series of unsolicited, government-funded rebrands for beloved local businesses under the banner aesthetica pro bono (for the aesthetic good).

In addition to 2914 Coffee, we rebranded local favorites Sassafras Eatery and Anecdote Cafe, which you can see here.


  • Branding
2914 MAIN

2914 Coffee

The name 2914 Coffee is composed of a sequence of numbers that has popped up more than once throughout the shop's owners' relationship. This serendipitous and meaningful connection not only became the basis for constructing the mark, but emerged as a key piece of brand identity in that many of us find that same type of meaningful connection with others at our favorite neighborhood coffee shop.

2914 Logo Contruction

Evoking ideas of chance overlaps and community, we derived two abstract shapes from the "random" overlap of many circles, then combined them into the final mark.

2914 Logo Animated copy
2914 ALTCUP copy
2914 CARDS1 1 SQ
2914 SCENE copy


  • Pro Bono Aesthetica Creative Direction

    Marke Johnson

  • 2914 Coffee Redesign

    Adam Blake