Son Lux — Bones

With the release of Bones, Son Lux expanded from Ryan Lott's solo project into a full-fledged three-piece band, with the addition of Ian Chang and Rafiq Bhatia.
We wanted to represent this new three-part structure as a sort of iconic, glowing ribcage of three "bones," bursting with an explosive cloud of brightly-colored dust.
- Creative Direction
- Photography & Video
- Film Direction
- Graphic Design

Like most of our ideas, this started with a simple sketch: three lines and a burst of color.

We deconstructed three fluorescent lights and built a glowing pyramid.
The final photograph was captured entirely in-camera. We used audio triggers to fire military-grade ultra-high speed flashes whenever a balloon popped.

Watch behind the scenes to see how we made it:
Music Videos
Following the release of the album, we expanded on this aesthetic concept to create two music videos. Change is Everything is a stop-motion rotoscope animation created from just pins and thread. You Don't Know Me features Tatiana Maslany (Orphan Black) and Noah Segan (Looper, Brick) in an unsettling story. You can watch both music videos here.
You can stream the album now on Spotify or iTunes

- Creative Direction
Marke Johnson
- Film Direction
Nathan Johnson
- Art Direction & Photography
Adam Blake, Marke Johnson, Nathan Johnson
- Produced by
Kimberly Johnson
- Design Build Team
Adam Blake, Amber Chiarelli, Kimberly Johnson
- Behind the Scenes Cinematography & Editing
Michael Chiarelli
All our thanks to Son Lux — Ryan Lott, Ian Chang, & Rafiq Bhatia along with manager Michael Kaufmann. We've now worked together with these wonderful people for over 10 years on three album cycles, multiple music videos, and more. Early on in our collaborative partnership, Ryan told us he basically considers The Made Shop to be part of the band... the visual part. They have given us endless trust and excitement over the years and I think our partnership with them has led to some of our best creative work. So thanks again.