St. Ronnie

St. Ronnie Featured Image


Visual Identity


Queens, NY

St. Ronnie is a Post House in Queens that specializes in high-quality retouching for editorial photography. They approached us to come up with a name and visual identity for their services. St. Ronnie is a nickname we gave to St. Veronica, the woman who cleaned Jesus' face with a cloth, inadvertently creating the first photograph.


  • Branding
  • Visual Identity
  • Naming
STR Logo Corners

The logo fits into corners like a viewfinder, and reads like the margins of illuminated manuscripts.

St R Graphic Tag

The cloth is a representation of the Veil of Veronica.

St R Veronica 2

The background textures are heavily pixelated cloth.

STR Web Concept
SR Long Sleeve Mock Pile
SR B Cs Mock 1
STR Graphics Light
SR Long Sleeve Mock R3
STR Logo Light

Find out more.


  • Creative Direction

    Marke Johnson

  • Art Direction

    Adam Blake

  • Design

    Michelle Merlin

  • Production

    Kimberly Johnson


Thank you to Pete Gibson for collaborating with us on this heavily symbolic visual identity. For trusting us and taking us down paths that landed us with such a memorable concept.