Moxie Coffee Co.

Moxie Coffee Co. Featured Image


Branding & Packaging


Phoenix, Arizona

Moxie is a uncommon new coffee venture bringing a bold yet sophisticated independent coffee experience to Arizona.

We created a minimal and memorable visual identity that finds beauty in the broken. It takes Moxie to show restraint and vulnerability, so we created an uncommon brand to convey their uncommon coffee.


  • Visual Identity
  • Packaging Design
  • Collateral

wabi-sabi (侘寂) is a worldview that appreciates beauty that is transient, imperfect, and broken.


Bold and broken, the icon shows some moxie through restraint and vulnerability

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The packaging is at once strictly minimal yet deeply descriptive of their uncommon coffees

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Signage, wayfinding, merchandise, and menus extend the brand language to every facet of the shop

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Moxie knows there is no effort without error, so they take confident risks and share the rewards with their community

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  • Creative Direction

    Marke Johnson

  • Design & Packaging

    Adam Blake

  • Collateral

    Davis Scruggs

  • Art Direction & Photography

    Davis Scruggs

  • Project Management & Production

    Kimberly Johnson


Thank you to Matt Heltzel for your excitement, trust, and collaboration bringing this brand to life and for executing on every detail of packaging, collateral, and design at the highest level.